MN Blogger Conference

Well I have been waiting, not so patiently, for this day to come and now it is here………well tomorrow it is!!  The MN Blogger Conference

I’ve had my I’M ATTENDING badge on the right side of my blog ever since I sat anxiously for it to hit NOON back on August 24th (I think) so I could click on the link to get registered.  But now as I see more and more people posting on Twitter about attending the conference and who they are, what they do with their blogs etc. I am starting to get a little nervous.

I mean I’m NO professional writer….heck, I’m a CPA with poor grammar.  Languages, writing etc were never my strong point!  I blog for FUN!!

I am also now unsure of what to wear to said conference after reading this blog post: Why Conference or Unconference Wear Should Say “Work” and not “Weekend”

but somewhat eased back into it after reading that I am not the only one lightly to be sitting on my own in a sea of faces I don’t know: Hi, My Name is Nicci, and I’m Extremely Shy  while I can be outgoing amongst my friends, I am extremely shy in situations where I don’t know anyone.

This morning @MNBlogCon asked people to tweet to introduce themselves if they were attending and to state one thing they wanted to learn tomorrow, well I couldn’t narrow it down to just one as I know that I am going to learn a LOT!!!!!!!

With all this said I AM still extremely excited about the conference, I have my tablet computer and netbook all ready to go, along with my notebook, pencil and schedule of what sessions I want to attend.  I do NOT know what I’ll wear (see above) but I am sure I’ll get it figured out 😉

With any amount of luck I’ll learn more about blogging, plug in’s, how to’s and photo blogs to name a few, and will be able to improve my blog for my roughly 6 readers haha!!  🙂


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