Day 18 – Plans/dreams/goals you have

A day late and a dollar short…………haha… is the post that should have been done yesterday………ok, ok, two days ago!!

OK, well I’m sure everyone has heard enough of me wanting to be a CPA, CMA, MBA….etc etc……..if not, I have heard enough of it!! LOL.  Yes I have all those goals and dreams, what I want to be when I get “big” but this post will not be about those plans, dreams and goals.

This post is going to be about the current dream I have and with luck it will be a reality by the end of 2012.  I want nothing more than to be a mother!!!  I ache for a child of my own when I see other people with their babies, toddlers, children etc.  Especially babies…….I CANNOT walk past a single baby without ooooing and ahhhhhhing!!

Back in August I was blessed to be able to see the very new-born Elliot Ehron Pelton, and what an absolutely beautiful baby she is.  Having the opportunity to hold such a precious gift in my arms just hours after her birth was something I’ll likely never forget.   Seeing the absolute pride and love beaming from her very proud parents was so emotional.  All of this left me tearing up, of course I didn’t let anyone see that, I’m a big, tough hockey player…………right??!?

Well the answer to that is NO!!!!!!!! I am a big, tough hockey player, but I was extremely emotional, in a good way, a life welcomed into the world, happy and healthy!!   Made me realize, even more, that this is what I want in my life!!  What I thought before was the next ‘step’ in my life, the next item to be crossed off the list of ‘must do’s’ before I die kinda thing, but as of late have realized that this is something I WANT TO DO!!!!!!!!!  Not to make anyone feel I have achieved this or done that, this is for me, me and Jeanna!!

We have our plans on how we will move towards making this dream a reality for us, how we will create life and a few months later welcome that life into our lives, in our home, in our FAMILY!!!  (those I will not go into here.)
I am grateful that I have such an amazing partner, such a dedicated, loving, amazing woman in my life that wants to pursue this with me, that I know will make the most amazing mother, and her and I will do everything within our power to help the little life grow and develop in this crazy world we all live in!!

We’ll be – Debbie, Jeanna, Tanner, Logan and “child”…………the thought of this puts the biggest smile on my face!!!

That ladies and gentlemen is the biggest dream/goal I have right now!!!

Holding Elliot on the day of her birth!!

10 thoughts on “Day 18 – Plans/dreams/goals you have

  1. Debs just a bit of advise it takes a bit longer than a few months hahaha, you just need to ask Kay. I am sure this is going to be a dream you will achieve and you will make an amazing mother darling.

  2. Trying to conceive is a journey in itself! It’s a giant roller coaster of emotions that doesn’t end once you acheive pregnancy. But nothing can prepare you for the amazing gift you receive in the end. Good luck on your journey. We will be here if you need any advice – or just an ear to listen. Heidi and Amy

    • Thanks!!! I am on my way to check out this blog right now!!

      Thanks, we really need all the help we can get!! hehe! I want to post soon about what kind of diapers to use, I see so many posts on cloth diapers.

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